Here's an interesting video from our friends at Energy Vanguard that shows how much air can leak through simple things like light switches.
Read moreThis video, part of a series from the Oregon contractor Hammer & Hand, describes how to air seal the interior of a home to maximize the effectiveness of super energy efficient, European "Passive House" style windows.
Read moreEverGreen Energy Savers uses a blower door--a device that blows air out of your house, similar to a windy day--for the best way to identify how much and where your house leaks. If all of those cracks, gaps and holes add up to a pretty big hole,...
Read moreEVERGREEN ENERGY SAVERS LLC has been authorized by Honeywell to provide air sealing and weatherization services for homes and commercial buildings to make them more energy efficient, comfortable and healthy.
It’s been said the only thing certain about life is death and taxes. Well to that you could probably add utility bills. While we can’t do anything about the first two, EverGreenEnergySavers.com can definitely help with the latter. And DTE Energy...
Read moreThey say it's an ill wind that blows no good. But I don't know what's good about the cold draft that runs down my neck while I'm sitting in my friend's rec room lazy boy watching TV. Now I'm not about to blame my friends for his house having sure...
Read moreIn our last column, we discussed how to take the guesswork out of greening your home by making it more energy efficient. Today we’ll look at sealing the gaps behind...
Read moreHome owners these days are confronted with a dizzying array of products and services claiming to make their home more green. From high efficiency appliances and mechanical systems, solar, geo thermal, insulation and air sealing, how do people...
Read moreFor years now consumers have seen the ENERGY STAR logo on home appliances and electronics and they have come to recognize that these devices will use less energy and therefore cost less to operate. Now many buyers are finding that many of the...
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